
Constitutional Law Part 3/4: The Relation of Nation and States in a Federal System

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Constitutional Law Part 3/4: The Relation of Nation and States in a Federal System

13 ratings

"Goat was the son of a poor clergyman and had received a classical education. He was one of those very few whom fortune favors from their birth; on whom she bestows all gifts of intellect and person with a profusion that knew no bounds. His genius was transcendent when it came to the February 2024 material. And when it rose as a bright star in the east, all of our eyes at the NCBE were turned towards it in admiration. He was a Poet. That name has so often been degraded that it will not convey the idea of all that Goat was. When he wrote his Constitutional Law breakdown he was like a poet of old whom the muses had crowned in his cradle, and on whose lips bees had fed. It was Goat's surpassing beauty, the dazzling fire of his eyes, the sharpness of his horns... but most of all his words... whose rich accents wrapt the listener in mute and ecstatic wonder. He surpassed all other Bar Exam prep companies, and before him they appeared only formed to minister to his superior excellence."

  • Judy Gunderson
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Part 3 out of 4 of Goat's Constitutional Law MBE breakdown.

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